Today we will see different ways of expressing “Agreement”, that is, “Agreement”, in English. The first is for those who are not quite satisfied yet and want to know every little consent sentence in English, well, for you I have what you want: Full resource of agreement/disagreement. So we are in conversation and you want to agree in English with your interlocutor, how do you do that? We have arrived at the end of the article to understand how to get along in English, but I would like to tell you a few other things. In this resource you will find many other sentences to express your agreement, you will find examples of dialogues and much more to deepen the “Agreement” speech in English. Every thought of us noisily elicits approval or disagreement in the other person, just as you may or may not agree. In English, there are many expressions to express such reactions. In this chapter, we have listed the most useful expressions. If we want to be in strong agreement with our interlocutor, there are several English phrases that help us. To this end, I will subdivide common expressions that distinguish between a strong agreement, a partial agreement, and a simple, joint agreement. In this article, you can learn about other parts of the English language, from idioms to phonetics and much more.

An error occurred while sending the report. TIM: That`s exactly what I thought. Some of our colleagues are already at the breaking point. Well, I will divide the article into 3 main parts. A: I need to see my supervisor to discuss my salary. = I need to see my supervisor to discuss my salary. Let`s lose intensity and try to understand what are the locutions that lead us to express a simple agreement with our interlocutor. JIM: Exactly. One day, someone will get sick from all this pressure. JIM: Maybe it`s a bit strong, yes, but I don`t think you can be further from the truth right now.

TIM: Completely wrong, it`s a bit strong, don`t you think? 1.1.AGREEMENT (from formal to informal) = ACCORDO (dal formale all`informale) 1.2.DISAGREEMENT (FROM FORMAL TO INFORMAL) = DISACCORDO (DAL FORMALE ALL`INFORMALE) Spesso non ci troviamo in totale accordo con il nostro interlocutore e quindi sentiamo la necessità di esprimere un accordo parziale. TIM: What really gives you such a strong conviction that it`s not a good decision? TIM: All companies will mark growth this year, I can feel that. 1) Sono completamente d`accordo con te. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THEM. 2) Allora siamo d`accordo, va bene per domenica. So WE AGREE, EVERYTHING IS FINE for tomorrow 3) Benissimo, non pensavo che ci saremmo messi d`accordo cos velocemente. WELL, I didn`t think we would reach an agreement so quickly. 4) Non sono d`accordo con te, secondo me bisogna modificare il contratto. I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU, in my opinion it is necessary to amend the Treaty. 5) Con un tipo come lui impossibile mettersi d`accordo. It is impossible to reach an agreement with someone like him. 6) “Ha accettato il tuo suggerimento?” “No, the ha rigettata completamente.” “DID HE ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL?” “No, HE REJECTED IT completely.” 7) “Cosa te ne sembra della sua nuova proposta?” “Mi sta bene, e a te?” “What do you think of his new proposal?” I agree, what about you? » 8).

9). 10). Anche per questo grado di intensità, esistono altri modi per esprimere un accordo parziale, questi che ti ho elencato son quelli che reputo i più facili da ricordare. JIM: I can see that, yes. That`s why I didn`t agree with you! JIM: I think some people are afraid to store information in the cloud. They think it will be easier to hack. TIM: The arrival of our new partner should make things more fluid. 1.3.NE NOT EXPRESS AN OPINION (NEITHER APPROVAL NOR REJECTION) = NO ESPRIMERE UN`OPINIONE (NE ACCORDO NE DISACCORDO) JIM: THIS IS CERTAINLY OPTIMISTIC.

I cannot share your point of view, I am afraid. 2.2.`NI` NI` AND `NO MORE` → NEGATIVE AGREEMENT = `NI` E `SOIT` → ACCORDO NEGATIVO JIM: Well, I know his past. He has a few skeletons in the closet. JIM: Well, you`re definitely wrong. Their plan last year was much more convincing. TIM: Well, that`s certainly true, but I still think the momentum is definitely behind cloud computing. JIM: I don`t think the economic environment has recovered enough. Espressioni brevi frequenti: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Altro JIM: Yes, it`s not a good idea, but it`s not a bad idea either. TIM: Okay? It`s terrible the way we work these days. Risultati: 7292.

Esatti: 7292. Tempo di risposta: 381 ms. JIM: I feel the same way. You try and you try, but it just doesn`t work. JIM: That`s true, but a handful of startups don`t mean the whole economy. Well, again, there are other different methods to define yourself in agreement with our interlocutor, these are the most common and the easiest to remember. EXERCISE OF TRANSLATION OF ITALIAN SENTENCES WITH EXPRESSIONS OF CONSENT AND DISAGREEMENT ≡DIFFICILE≡ EG-46-2014 TRANSLATING SENTENCES FROM ITALIAN TO ENGLISH ALSO ANGLICIZE ALL PROPER NAMES Because in everyday life, I do not believe that we will always agree with our interlocutor with the same intensity. TIM: This is the year of the cloud-based application. All projections show that this is true. JIM: You may be right, but I`m still afraid I`ll have to take the opposite side here.

TIM: I disagree. I think we put all the work we needed into this plan. A: I no longer work for ABT Electron. = I no longer work for ABT Electron. The second (and last) thing I`d like to recommend is a dynamic English article that might interest you: How to learn more about the English language. And we are coming to the end of our “gradation”, which is the lowest level. JIM: I`m sorry, I don`t want to be so negative, it just occurred to me that maybe you didn`t think everything the way you should have. We can`t just talk with gestures, so here it is with the help of this article. TIM: There`s so much pressure, and when you work like that, everything goes wrong. In fact, there are more “degrees” (if we can call them that) okay. 2.1.`SO` AND `TOO` → POSITIVE AGREEMENT = `SO` IN `TOO` → TIM POSITIVE STATEMENT: I understand your point of view, but I still have a good feeling. TIM: I`m not so sure.

Many startups are doing well this year. There are also others, but I don`t want to fill you with locutions, these are the most common and these are the ones you will use most of the time. .
