On July 1, ‘Air/Port 2014 Antwerp’ officially opened on 10 locations all over Antwerp by Beauty without Irony, making this our very first large public art exhibition in Belgium. We’re very proud and happy, first of all about the enthusiasm of the over 100 Belgian and international participating artists -many of them having supported BWI from the start in 2001- and art students from Antwerp and Essaouira, the owners of the 10 locations, our sponsors Nilorn, Stedelijk Havenbedrijf and the City of Antwerp -and last but certainly not least, BWI’s project manager Jean-Yves Dushime, who worked his *ss off to make it all happen in time. If you’re in Antwerp between now and the end of August,make sure you visit the art circuit, attend one of the film screenings, gorge on Moroccan food and drinks in our Pop Up Café on Saturdays and/or dance the night away at one of our parties. We’re bringing pure beauty back to Antwerp and we’re doing that